Jazz-1.3 ChangeLog ------------------ ** This is not an exhaustive list of the changes made between Jazz 1.2 and 1.3, but list the larger changes that have been made. * Changed implementation of updateBounds. Previous to the change update bounds would recompute the scene graph objects bounds, and if these bounds were different then the last bounds it would tell its parent to update their bounds and it would fire bounds changed events. This becomes very expensive when adding a large number of children to a group. Now bounds are computed lazily. UpdateBounds() just sets a invalidBounds bit on the scene graph object being updated and on all that parents to the root of that object. When a scene graph object is asked for its bounds getBoundsReference() it checks this bit, and if the bounds are invalid it computes the bounds and fires bounds changed events before returning them. This may effect programs that directly access the bounds variable (instead they should call getBoundsRefernece() to be safe). It also effects the time that boundsChanged events are fired (they may be delayed) but they will always get fired at least once per repaint. * Changed the following by reference accessor methods to by value methods - ZTransformGroup.setTransform(AffineTransform) - ZCamera.setViewTransform(AffineTransform) - ZSceneGraphPath.setTransform(AffineTransform) - ZSceneGraphPath..setCameraTransform(AffineTransform) - ZRectangle.setRect(Rectangle2D) - ZEllipse.setEllipse(Ellipse2D) - ZPath.setPath(GeneralPath) - ZArc.setArc(Arc2D) - ZSceneGraphObject.setBounds() - ZArchorGroup.setDestBounds() - ZSpatialIndex.setGroupNodeTransform(); * Removed all repaint methods of the form: - public void repaint(ZSceneGraphObject obj, AffineTransform at, ZBounds clipBounds); instead public void repaint(ZBounds aBounds) should be used. * Other changes by package animation - added callback runnables that will get run when ZAnimation starts and stops - added callback runnable to ZAnimationScheduler that will get run when the current frame is finished animating - added method to stop all pending animations in ZAnimationScheduler - added simple audio animation, used to synchronize the start and stop of audio with an animation component - added setCoords(point[]) to ZCoordList - removed media-tracker code from ZImage instead use ImageIcon. This fixes memory bug where images would not get released. event - added accessors to ZHandleEventHandler for current and highlighted handles - make sure the fListenerList is initialized in ZSelectionDeleteHandler jazz - added support for "transactions" when manipulating the scenegraph. - added ANIMATE_METHODS_USE_ANIMATION_FRAMEWORK variable to ZTransformGroup. This makes the transform group animate methods use the animation frameworks timer based animation instead of using a hard loop for animation. Jazz-1.2 ChangeLog ------------------ * Added new support for scrolling a ZCanvas. The new way to add scrolling to a ZCanvas is to add the canvas to a ZScrollPane as you would add a normal Swing component to a JScrollPane. The ZScrollPane provides default scrolling behavior via ZDefaultScrollDirector but you can implement the ZScrollDirector interface to get customized behavior. Custom ZScrollDirector's are then plugged into the ZScrollPane's ZViewport. An example of default and customized scrolling has been added in jazz/examples/ScrollingExample. * Added ZGridLayoutManager that allows for the specification of the following parameters: - Number of rows or columns - Cell width - Cell height - Vertical spacing between rows - Horizontal spacing between columns - The layout starting point * Changed the prior "PathLayoutTest" to also allow for testing the grid layout. Hence, this class was renamed from "PathLayoutTest" to "LayoutZLoadable". "LayoutZLoadable" is a ZLoadable module that must be loaded into a Jazz application like HiNote to work properly. * Added Jazz animation package, edu.umd.cs.jazz.animation. This package provides support for asynchronous animation, animation pacing, animation schedules, and various animations on standard objects in the Jazz scene graph such as colors, transforms and strokes. See ZAnimation for a good starting point into the animation package. * Added animation example in jazz/examples/AnimationExample. Provides a good simple example of how to use the animation system. -ZAnimation. Subclasses are used to animate properties in the scene graph. -ZColorAnimation. Animates objects conforming to ZFillPain and ZPenPaint. -ZTransformAnimation. Animates objects conforming to ZTransformable. -ZStrokeAnimation. Animates object conforming to ZStroke. -ZAudioAnimation. Makes it easy to synchronize a simple audio clip with an animation. -ZAlpha. This class is used for scheduling and pacing ZAnimations. -ZAnimationScheduler. Schedules animations from the event dispatch thread. * Added framework for simple grab handles. New classes to support this are ZHandle, ZHandleGroup, and ZHandleEventHandler. To provide custom handles an object must override ZSceneGraphObject.getHandles(). See ZRectangle for an example of providing custom handles. -Added jazz/examples/HandleExample. Shows how to display the custom handles provided by ZRectangle. * Added ZLocator. This class provides an interface for finding locations on ZSceneGraphObjects. Right now this class is used in the implementation of handles, but it is also generally useful. * Added ZBoundsLocator. This locator locates points on the bounds of a ZSceneGraphObject. * Added Jazz extras package, edu.umd.cs.jazz.extras. This is built and distributed as jazzx.jar. -Moved SVG code into extras package. -Added edu.umd.cs.jazz.ZFrame. This class provides a simple starter app that can be used for exploring jazz or testing sample jazz code. * Modified the event classes so that they are more flexible and extensible. - Added ZFilteredEventHandler. This class provides a default implementation for event handlers, and provides event filtering. It is suggested that all new event handlers subclass ZFilteredEventHandler. - Added ZMouseFilter. This is a new class used by ZFiltereEventHandler for event filtering. - Added ZDragSequenceEventHandler. This event handler deals with most of the work required for drag interactions. Event handlers that use drag interactions (such as ZPanEventHandler or ZSelectionMoveEventHandler can subclass ZDragSequenceEventHandler and save a lot of work. - Updated most of the existing event handlers to use these new event handler classes. * Added ZPriorityQueue to edu.cs.jazz.util. Basic priority queue implementation. * Changed behavior of ZShape.setAbsPenWidth(). The shapes bounds are no longer marked as volatile, instead the shapes bounds grow inwards to maintain the abs constraint. This should improve performance of objects with abs pen widths. * Added ZCanvas.setExcludeMouseMoveEvents. This can be used to turn off mouseMoved, entered and exited events so that they are not delivered to nodes in the scene graph. But mousePressed, released, and dragged will still be delivered. If you app does not need mouse moved event this can improve performance. * Added screenToGlobal to ZCanvas. This works relative to the camera provided by ZCanvas.getCamera(). * Added Dimension2D as one of the supported types for coord system transforms. - Added ZDimenion, a implementation of Dimension2D that uses doubles. * Added the following methods to ZUtil so that the important geometry objects can be inverse transformed without having to created a new inverted AffineTransform from the original transform. -ZUtil.transformDimension -ZUtil.inverseTransformRectangle -ZUtil.inverseTransformDimension * Added ZClipGroup. Clips the current Graphics2D before rendering its children. -Added ClipExample to jazz/examples/ClipExample. * Added ZNoninvertibleTransformException, extends RuntimeException. This class is thrown whenever Jazz internally catches a NoninvertibleTransformException. This way applications that need want to know about those cases can find out, but applications that done care don’t have to put all their code in a try block. * Moved clientProperties from ZNode up into ZSceneGraphObject. Jazz-1.1 ChangeLog ------------------ * ZShape is now an abstract class. If you need to display an arbitrary java.awt.Shape in Jazz first convert the shape in to a GeneralPath, and then us ZPath to display it. * Changed implementation of ZSceneGraphEditor. It now should be much easier to manage your own custom editors, see ZSceneGraphEditor class comment for details. * Added new class ZoomToEventHandler. This event handler allows you to zoom the camera into a specified node in various ways. * Added SVG Reader. This program read SVG file into your canvas. edu.umd.cs.jazz.io.ZSVG: the only class that you should take care of to load SVG files. edu.umd.cs.jazz.io.svg.*: Supporting classes. You don't have to take care of this classes. * Added ZPath to support java.awt.geom.GeneralPath in jazz scenegraph. edu.umd.cs.jazz.component.ZPath * HiNote has been updated with the SVG feature. You can check this feaure when you select "Open.." menu and "Insert file.." menu. Limitations: The current SVG reader does not support the following functions Clipping Dynamic behavior Anchors Style Limited font support Gradient Ornament on shapes (e.g. dashed/rounded rectangles) Non-numeric unit (e.g. 300px, 2.5in, etc) Please send us bugs you have found! * Added ExampleRunner. This program lets you easily run the Jazz examples located in the ./examples directory. Run ExampleRunner by double clicking on ./build/exampels.jar. * You can now register with ZVisualComponents to receive mouse events. * Changed behavior of ZLinkEventHandler. You can now create links by pressing on the source node, and dragging to the destination mode, then releasing. The old method of clicking, moving, and clicking is still preserved. * Changed the Jazz build system. We are now using an XML based build system, Ant. Please see ./build.xml for documentation. For a quick start just type "build all" in ./ of the distribution. * Added the JUnit testing framework to the Jazz distribution. Test cases are located in ./tests. Find a bug? Write a test that exposes the bug and send it to us! * Changed the directory structure of the distribution. Effected directories are ./build - Contains runnable jar files for Jazz distribution. - examples.jar, runnable contents of ./examples - tests.jar, runnable contents of ./tests - graphit.jar, runnable contents of ./demos/graphit - hinote.jar, runnable contents of ./demos/hinote - jazz.jar, contents of ./src this is not runnable You can run these jars by double clicking on them or typing "java -jar " on the command line. ./tests - This directory now contains automated tests cases based on the JUnit test framework. Its previous contents are now in ./exampels. ./examples - Contains simple programs that demonstrate some of Jazz's features. ./lib - Contains jars that Jazz depends upon, such as Ant (build system) and JUnit (test framework) * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: In ZSceneGraphPath, the following methods have maintained their prior APIs but have changed their behavior slightly: - screenToGlobal methods now convert to global coordinates in the bottom camera. * NOTE: This is only likely to affect applications that use internal cameras. - getNode() now returns the lowest camera node if no object has been picked * NOTE: As of Jazz 1.1 ZSceneGraphPath.getNode does not return null when no object is picked but instead returns the bottom camera node on the picked path. ZSceneGraphPath.getObject should be used instead to determine if an object has been picked. Consequently, getObject returns null when no object has been picked. Because getObject returns a ZSceneGraphObject, applications can use getNode to obtain the lowest picked node once the application has determined that an object has been picked. * Changed ZImage to always convert its underlying Image object into a BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB. This specific image format seems to get better performance on Windows regardless of back buffer format or hardware specifics. * Added capability to disable ZCanvas' automatically control of scrolling when in a JScrollPane. * Fixed bug where ZCanvas scrollbars (when inside a JScrollPane) did not appear properly upon initialization some times. * Fixed bug in ZText where background color was not rendered in correct place if the ZText translation was non-zero. * Fixed some bugs in event delivery related to when there was no object directly under the mouse pointer, and how enter/leave events were generated when the pointer crossed the canvas border. Now, enter/leave events get properly generated on nodes when the mouse is not over an object, and when the mouse enters and leaves the canvas. * Fixed some bugs in event delivery related to how events were percolated up the scenegraph tree: 1) The event did not always start at the lowest point in the tree; 2) the 'node' returned by ZMouseEvent.getNode() did not return the node the event started at. Rather, it returned the node the listener was at. * Added ZSceneGraphPath methods - get and set CameraTransform methods - screenToCamera methods that convert from screen to camera coordinates * Modified GraphIt, HiNote, and tests to use new selection architecture * Restructured Selection Architecture. These changes were motivated, initially designed, and coded by Antony Courtney. - Changed ZSelectionGroup's primary visual component generation to use a factory. This allows developers to more easily change the look of all selected components. - Added a list of auxiliary visual components to ZSelectionGroup to support selection event handlers that require custom visual components in addition to the primary selection component (for example, resize handles). - Added classes for new Selection Architecture * ZSelectionManager - stores selection and fires selection change events * ZCompositeSelectionHandler - convenience class to allow for managing the multiple selection handlers with a single event handler * ZSelectionDeleteHandler - event handler to delete selected objects * ZSelectionModifyHandler - event handler to modify selection * ZSelectionMoveHandler - event handler to move selected objects * ZSelectionScaleHandler - event handler to scale selected objects * ZSelectionResizeHandler - event handler to draw resize handles on selected objects to allow mouse based resizing - Selection management methods in ZSelectionGroup have been deprecated in favor of the new ZSelectionManager methods. However, these methods will continue to work. See ZSelectionGroup to determine if a specific method has been deprecated. - ZSelectionEventHandler has also been deprecated. * Modified PortalTest to demonstrate new ZPanEventHandler and ZoomEventHandler options * Updated ZPanEventHandler and ZoomEventHandler to support internal cameras. These now allow for a single global event handler of each type (that works on all cameras) or per-camera event handlers. * Updated ZCamera.pick() based on comments in old PortalTest (plus additional necessary changes for internal cameras) * Added selectable bit to ZNode that allows a node to specify that it cannot be selected. * Added some accessor methods to ZVisualLeaf: - getNumVisualComponents() - getVisualComponent(int i) - setVisualComponent(int i, ZVisualComponent vc) * Improved the default pan and zoom event handlers (in ZPanEventHandler and ZoomEventHandler) to pan and zoom within internal cameras if the user starts interacting inside of an internal camera. * Fixed bug where ZNode client properties were not saved properly in either the binary, or custom text file format. To fix this, I added a static method in ZObjectOutputStream called isSavable() which determines if a particular object is savable. * Fixed bug where picking of visual components within ZVisualLeaf was done in reverse order (back to front). It now properly picks in proper order (front to back). * Fixed bug in scenegraph tree viewer where a ZVisualLeaf that had multiple visual components only displayed the first one. Now it displays all of them. * Fixed bug in the PortalTest test to properly pan and zoom within internal cameras. Before, it only worked properly if you clicked on a rectangle within the internal camera. * Fixed bug in ZNode where event listeners were copied when a a node was cloned. Now, event listeners are not copied when a node is cloned. Jazz-1.0 ChangeLog (Released July 4, 2000) ------------------------------------------ * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Added a method to ZLayoutManager for the future to support animation of layout changes. It is not yet implemented, but added this now to avoid future incompatible changes. This only affects you if you implemented a new layout manager. * Fixed bug in implementation of ZVisualGroup.updateVolatility(). * Fixed some bugs in scenegraph browser used for debugging (ZSceneGraphTreeModel). Now the first letter of the class name isn't cut off. Also, ZNameGroup displays the name of the group. * Made some methods access less restrictive - from package access to protected access, giving subclasses the opportunity to access them. * Updated API documentation to be generally clearer. * Added ZLayerGroup.getCameras() and ZLayerGroup.getNumCameras() methods. * Fixed bug in hinote where new views wouldn't look at same location as original view. * Fixed several bugs relating to picking through internal cameras: - Added camera list to ZSceneGraphPath so it maintains a special list of cameras along the path. For picking, the camera list contains the cameras under the mouse pointer even if the path is empty. - Fixed bug with picking objects through internal cameras. The terminal object in the path would be the internal camera rather than object that was picked. Now it properly contains the picked object. - Fixed bug with picking through internal cameras where the path would not contain the transforms of the internal cameras if nothing was picked. Now, the path goes through all the cameras the mouse pointer is over, regardless of whether anything was picked. Jazz-1.0rc1 ChangeLog (Released June 19, 2000) ---------------------------------------------- * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Jazz now uses doubles instead of floats wherever possible, including all API calls. This results in increased resolution, from about 10 to about 20 orders of magnitude of zooming, at the cost of increased memory usage. This should not require any application source code changes since floats get cast to doubles automatically. However, you may choose to change your applications to use doubles to avoid the casting cost - and to take advantage of the higher resolution. Old .jazz probably will not load correctly now, because of a casting problem: ClassCastException: java.lang.Float. You can fix this by editing the old .jazz files, changing all instances of "float" to "double", and changing all floating point values followed by "f" to be followed by "d" instead. You can do the latter change using emacs Regexp Replacement command: M-x replace-regexp \(\.[0-9]+\)f \1d * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: ZVisualLeaf now supports a list of visual components under a single leaf node, instead of just one visual component per leaf. You can now create a group of visual components that are indivisible (e.g. a rectangle with a label). See ZVisualLeaf documentation for details. To update old code: replace getVisualComponent() with getFirstVisualComponent() * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: ZGroup.remove() has been renamed ZGroup.extract(). The behavior has not changed, ZGroup.extract() removes one node from the tree, any children are reparented. WARNING: A new method named remove has been added which removes the entire subtree (see below). If you do not rename your application 'remove' calls to 'extract' you will likely introduce bugs into your application. * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Added method globalBoundsChanged() to the ZNodeListener interface. This method notifies listeners of global bounds events that get fired when the global bounds of a node change. These events function much the same as BOUNDS_CHANGED events and percolate up the scenegraph until they are consumed. Implementers of this interface must now also implement this method. * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Renamed ZCamera.setTranslate() to ZCamera.setTranslation() to be consistent with the getter and with ZTransformGroup terminology. * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Added isActive to the ZEventHandler interface, and implemented it in all of Jazz's event handlers * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Added setAbsPenWidth() and getAbsPenWidth() methods to the ZStroke interface. Added support for absolute pen widths (independent of camera magnification) to ZPolyline, ZPolygon, ZRectangle, ZEllipse, and ZShape. * HiNote bug fix: When a full screen hinote view is closed, it's camera is removed from the scenegraph. * New method: ZGroup.removeChild(int index). Removes the child node at the specified position from the group node's children. * makefiles no longer copy hinote hinote/resources into hinote/src/classes/resources * HiNote bug fix: When a scenegraph tree browser window is closed, it can now be re-opened. * New visual component: ZLabel: supports a node containing a simple text label. * New group node: ZNameGroup: Provides the ability to name a portion of the scenegraph. You can assign a name to a ZNameGroup, then retrieve a reference to this group node using the name. Any ZNameGroup node can be retrieved by a static call to ZNameGroup.getNameGroup(String name). * ZMouseEvent now has methods for retrieving the mouse position in the coordinate system of the object that the mouse is over. * ZCanvas now supports scrollBars when it is added to a JScrollPane. * Modified method that ZDrawingSurface uses to determine the render quality. In a backwards compatible way, there is now a regular and an interacting quality. The interacting quality is used whenever the user is interacting with the surface *or* objects are being animated on the surface. The regular quality is used other times. There are new methods for accessing the interacting render quality. * Method mouseReleased() in ZoomEventHandler and in ZPanEventHandler now cause the camera to fire a CAMERA_VIEW_CHANGED event. You can now use a ZCameraListener to detect when zooming or panning is finished by checking ZDrawingSurface.isInteracting() in this method. * ZText and ZImage now contain an x/y translation offset. This allows use of multiple image/text nodes under a single ZGroup without needing separate transforms for each one. * ZAnchorGroup links are now updated when their destination node's global bounds change. * New method: ZGroup.removeAllChildren(): Removes all children from a group node. * New method: ZNode.remove(): remove this node and its children from the tree. * Added ZGroupEvent.isModificationEvent() to better determine if a group event is part of a movement/modification or if it represents a true addition or removal. This bit allows a program to distinguish between the ZNode.reparent(), ZGroup.insertAbove(), and ZGroup.remove() modification operations and the regular ZGroup.addChild() and ZGroup.removeChild() operations. * Added GraphIt, a new Jazz demo program, in the demo directory. This is a simple program that lets users draw graphs with circular nodes and then connect them with lines. It keeps the graph edges connected when the nodes are moved. It supports grouping and multiple views. This program was intended to be a simpler starting point for new Jazz users than HiNote which is fairly complex. * ZFadeGroup now implements four types of fading: a) Fade on camera magnification b) Fade on composite magnification c) Fade on absolute screen size in pixels d) Fade on percentage of window size in pixels Set the type of fading with setFadeType. * ZGroupEvents are now only fired by Jazz classes at a point in which the scenegraph is temporarily stable. Therefore, to determine whether a node has been *truly* added or removed, you can now check to see if the node in question is still a descendent of a given ancestor. This change affects the methods ZNode.reparent(), ZGroup.insertAbove(), ZGroup.remove(), ZGroup.addChild(), and ZGroup.removeChild(). See the ZGroupEvent documentation for a simple code example. * Changed repaint mechanism to prepare for support for fixed penwidth lines, and other context-dependent objects. I left in the repaint(Bounds) methods, but added new ones of repaint(ZSceneGraphObject obj, AffineTransform at, ZBounds clip). Now, when an object is repainted, instead of passing up its bounds, it passes up itself plus its transform. Only when it gets up to the camera is the bounds looked at. In this way, the camera can set the rendercontext appropriately to refer to itself when retrieving the bounds. This way, bounds computation can be implemented per camera. This is a backwards-compatible change. * Fixed bug in ZCamera.getRoot(). It was implemented by getting the root of the tree the camera was in rather than the root of the tree the camera looked at (as was documented). * Added ZVisualComponent.getRoot() which returns the root of the tree the component's first parent is in. * Fixed bug in computation of volatile bounds for ZVisualLeaf, ZGroup, and ZVisualGroup. They were never computed properly. However, now than absolute pen width objects actually use volatility, they need to work! * Added ZVisualLeaf.removeVisualComponent(). This method was just missing - apparently it was never added when ZVisualLeaf went from one to multiple visual components. * Made a factory class for creating new instances of ZRenderContext. Now that they are more important, and are used for general-purpose context-sensitive rendering, it is important that applications have the ability to define their own in case they want to define new kinds of context. Jazz-1.0b ChangeLog (Released April 14, 2000) --------------------------------------------- * Moved SceneGraphBrowser from HiNote to Jazz. Added new jazz class ZSceneGraphTreeView. * Added support in ZMouseEvent for getting the target of a MOUSE_RELEASED event. * Jazz and HiNote now mask out mouse button events that are in combination with other buttons or keys, like SHIFT or CONTROL. This allows developers to use these combinations for their custom controls. * New visual component ZEllipse added to jazz, along with an ellipse tool for HiNote. Code donated by Wayne Westerman. * Fixed several of the "set" methods (eg. setLayer()) in ZCanvas * Fixed ZGroup.indexOf() to check its own children instead of its parent's children. * Added new ZVisualComponent ZShape. Users can create a new visual component from a java.awt.Shape * Added workaround for bug in JDK1.3rc1 and earlier where it would occasionly get in an infinite loop in Rectangle2D.intersectsLine(). This could happen in ZPolygon.pick. I reported the bug to Sun March 10, 2000, and added a correct implementation in ZUtil.rectIntersectsLine(), and use that instead. * When a ZIndexGroup event ADD_NODE or REMOVE_NODE is fired on a node, the event is percolated up the scenegraph, looking for listeners at each node, until the event is consumed. * New event creator and listener added: ZNodeEvent and ZNodeListener, providing a new event BOUNDS_CHANGED. This event is fired whenever a node's bounds change. It is percolated up the scenegraph, looking for listeners, until consumed. ZSpatialIndexGroup use these events to detect when indexed nodes bounds have changed, by attaching a listener to the ZTransformGroup edit node of any spatial-indexed node. * The "Browse Scene Graph" viewer on the debug menu now lets you edit the properties of selected nodes. * Rewrote the Jazz cloning code. From an application standpoint, the ZSceneGraphObject.clone() method is functioally the same, except that cloning an object no longer clones the listener table for the object into the new object (cloned objects start out with no listeners). However, there are several bug fixes and efficiency improvements. * There is now a ZDebug.dumpString method, which obtains a textual printout of a node as a string. * Added a new debugging tool to HiNote for browsing the Jazz scene graph (see Help->Debug->Browse Scene graph). * Fixed Copy/Paste bug in HiNote. Now you can copy/paste groups. Pasting multiple times also works properly. * Fixed bug in ZFadeGroup where magnified objects that had fade groups did not get picked properly. * Smooth fading is currently unbearably slow if many objects are being faded, so I added the ability to specify the "fadeRange" of a ZFadeGroup. Default is 0.3 (fade in/out over 30% of its magnification). However, setting it to 0 makes objects jump in and out of visibility as they reach their min/max size. * Added a new group node: ZSpatialIndexGroup, which can be managed by ZSceneGraphEditor. The purpose of this group node is to provide faster rendering when an application must display a large number of visual components. It implements the algorithm "RTree Indexing" to quickly find which nodes are currently visible. The indexing algorithm applies to the children of the primary node that has a ZSpatialIndexGroup in its edit chain. Note: A ZSpatialIndexGroup node must appear at the bottom of the edit node chain: ie its child must be a ZGroup node. ZSceneGraphEditor supports this constraint. * Fixed bug in ZCamera where internal cameras were not being clipped properly. * Added test code for internal cameras - see test/PortalTest.java * Fixed bug in Swing event handler caused by calling 'cameraToLocal' for a node after the node had been deleted (eg. when the node was deleted on mouse pressed). * Added a constructor in ZPathLayoutManager to accept a Shape Jazz-0.6 ChangeLog (Released October 22, 1999) ---------------------------------------------- This is a maintenance release, fixing several bugs from the beta version of Jazz 0.6b. There is one incompatible change: * INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: ZCanvas.setEventHandlersActive() renamed to setNavEventHandlersActive(). ZCanvas.setEnableSwingEvents() removed - instead use ZCanvas.setSwingEventHandlersActive(). The rest are backwards compatible bug fixes: * The Swing event handlers have been moved to become a standard Jazz node event handler - giving applications more flexibility about when Swing event handlers get called. * ZImage will now write an embedded binary image when using Java Serialization. * Improved a few documentation glitches. * Fixed several bugs in the tree layout manager. It seems to work properly now - except there are still some layout bugs when nodes being layed out are scaled or rotated. We are reworking the layout algorithm for a more stable tree layout in the next release. * HiNote improvements: - Added a font chooser - Merged binary (Serialization) I/O into regular save/open menu * Printing works again - it worked in 0.5, but was broken in 0.6b. * Made ZSelectionGroup Serializable and ZSerializable - so now if you save something that is selected, the selection will get written out. * ZSwing now supports combo boxes, pull-down menus, and pop-up menus. However, in order to use these, you must use the special classes ZComboBox instead of JComboBox, and ZMenu instead of JMenu. * ZSceneGraphEditor private fields were changed to protected so the class can be extended. * All pick methods were made public so that they could be overrided by classes outside of the package. Jazz-0.6b ChangeLog (Released October 1, 1999) ---------------------------------------------- This version of Jazz reflects a substantial reorganization of code with extensive incompatible changes. Rather than list every single change one by one, we describe here the basic changes that were made to Jazz. Special thanks to Jon Meyer who worked closely with me (Ben) to work out the details of this redesign. Also, credit goes to Lance Good for work on the Swing widget support, and to Jim Mokwa who worked on HiNote improvements. * The biggest change is that node structure was fundamentally changed. There are no more visual component decorators. Instead, those have all moved to nodes. Visual components now have (possibly) multiple parents so that a single visual component can be reused in multiple places in the scenegraph. And, most importantly, ZNode was split up into 14 different classes, derived from a vastly simplified ZNode class. The basic motivation was that you should only pay for the feature that you use, and ZNode had grown so big that every node typically had several features that weren't used. The actual class structure is listed below. Now a typical scenegraph will have a layer group with a bunch of visual leaves below it, each with a visual component. To group several leaves together, insert a group node above them. To transform a leaf, or a group, insert a transform node above the relevant nodes. Similarly, select, fade, or make something sticky by inserting the appropriate node above the nodes to be operated on. * Jazz now supports standard Java Serialization for all scenegraph objects. Note that event handlers and layout managers are not currently supported. * Jazz now supports internal cameras (aka 'portals' or simple 'lenses')! If a scenegraph contains a camera that looks onto the scenegraph, then the scenegraph will be seen within that internal camera. See ZCamera docs for more details. * Jazz now does all internal computation in the local coordinate system of the node being processed. Nodes no longer cache their bounds in global coordinates. That turned out to be expensive because if the root node changed, all of its children would have to have their bounds recomputed. Now, nodes only depend on their children, never on their parents. Parameters for such functions as render, repaint, pick, and findNodes now are all in local coordinates. * The pick interface was changed so that now pick generates and returns a path which contains the full pathway of objects from the drawing surface through the camera(s) through nodes to a visual component. This path is encapsulated in a ZSceneGraphPath object, and is passed into and returned from various pick() methods. * The layout mechanism was revamped. There is a new general purpose tree layout manager which will lay out hierarchical trees horizontally or vertically with some control over the algorithm. In addition, the layout mechanism now automatically lays out the nodes when needed (i.e., when the layout node has been reshaped). So, it is no longer to ever call doLayout() manually. Instead, it coalesces layout requests, generating an event to actually perform the layout. * Jazz now supports embedding Java Swing widgets within the Jazz scenegraph. Almost all Swing widgets, including compound widgets, can used directly with no modification whatsoever. They look and interact like regular Swing widgets, but pan and zoom like Jazz visual components, and are acted upon by the Jazz hierarchy - thus they can be faded, transformed, made sticky, etc. It works with the use of a new visual component called ZSwing which wraps the Swing base class, JComponent. Just make any Swing component, and then wrap it with ZSwing, and add it to the hierarchy - that's it. A typical example is: group.addChild(new ZSwing(new JButton("Hello there"))); Known limitations: ZSwing does not and is not likely to ever support heavy-weight components (JWindow, JFrame, and JApplet). There currently are bugs that make it so Swing does not tooltips and internal cursor changes. Menus and ComboBoxes are now available though ZMenu and ZComboBox must be used (rather than their Swing counterparts) within a ZSwing visual component. * Jazz event handling has been improved. There are now three kinds of special internal events: Camera events handle view transform changes, transform events handle transform changes, and group events handle add/remove changes. In addition, Jazz now supports mouse and mouse motionevent handling per node. So, it is possible to register a mouse listener directly with a node, and it will be called directly when a mouse event occurs on that node. This includes ZMouseEvent (mouseClicked, mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseEntered, and mouseExited) and ZMouseMotionEvent (mouseDragged, mouseMoved). If an event occurs on a node, and that node does not have any event listeners, then the event is percolated up to the node's parent, and fired on it (recursively), unless the event has been consumed. * Reworked damage/restore mechanism. Replaced internal implementation of region management and double buffering to use Swing's implementation. We now automatically queue repaint requests when there has been damage so there is no longer any need to call restore(), and in fact that method is now gone. And, the two versions of damage() have been renamed to repaint() and reshape(). repaint() should be called when the bounds of an object need to be repainted, and reshape() should be called when an object has changed so that its bounds need to be recomputed, and then repainted. * General improvement of the way that Jazz deals with coordinate systems. There are several utility methods to convert from one coordinate system to another. ZNode.localToGlobal(), ZNode.globalToLocal, ZCamera.localToGlobal(), ZCamera.globalToLocal, ZNode.getLocalToGlobalTransform(), ZNode.getGlobalToLocalTransform(). This also fixed some bugs related to coordinate systems. For instance, the selection event handler now properly works when selecting objects several levels deep in the hierarchy. Also, sticky objects now get selected and moved around properly. * Replaced internal implementation of region management and double buffering to use Swing's implementation. This allows better integration of Jazz into Swing, and simplifies the Jazz code. * Changed debugging implementation so now when debugging is turned off (by changing ZDebug.debug = false in the source code), then there is zero overhead in Jazz for having the debugging code in the system. Also, the debug menu in hinote goes away if compiled without debugging. * Renamed many classes and methods to be internally consistent, and to be more bean-like. Here are some, but not all of the changes: ZSceneGraphObject.setVolatile() -> setVolatileBounds() ZSceneGraphObject.isVolatile() -> getVolatileBounds() ZCamera.paintStartPoint -> layer (throughout ZCamera) ZNode.isDescendent() -> isDescendentOf() ZNode.isAncestor() -> isAncestorOf() ZNode.replace() -> replaceWith() ZNode.getSavable() -> isSavable() ZNode.computeGlobalCoordinateFrame() -> getLocalToGlobalTransform() ZNode.findRoot() -> getRoot() ZNode.paint() -> render() ZSurface -> ZDrawingSurface ZBasicComponent -> ZCanvas ZRootNode -> ZRoot * Changed policy about the Graphics2D state. It used to be that Jazz promised to keep the transform, clip, and composite up to date - even if a visual component changed it. This was inefficient because Jazz regularly had to save and restore that state even though it rarely changed. The new policy is that all objects (nodes and visual components) are required to restore the transform, clip, and composite if they change them. Jazz continues to leave font, stroke, and color unspecified - it is up to visual components to set those things if they use them. * Here is the new object structure: ZSceneGraphObject | +-ZNode | | | +-ZLeaf | | +-ZVisualLeaf | | | +-ZGroup | +-ZFadeGroup | +-ZLayerGroup | +-ZRoot | +-ZAnchorGroup | +-ZInvisibleGroup | +-ZTransformGroup | | +-ZConstraintGroup | | +-ZStickyGroup | | | +-ZVisualGroup | +-ZSelectionGroup | +-ZLayoutGroup | +-ZVisualComponent +-ZCamera +-ZSwing +-ZText +-ZRectangle +-ZImage +-ZCoordList +-ZPolyline +-ZPolygon Jazz-0.5 ChangeLog (Released July 30, 1999) ------------------------------------------- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES -------------------- * 07/20/1999: BBB - Updated ZNode.raise and lower methods. raise() and lower() are unchanged, and raiseTo() and lowerTo() are now implemented to support raising and lowering to a particular position. However, the old raise(ZNode) and lower(ZNode) are now removed. They were duplicitive - doing the same thing as the current raise() and lower(). * 07/19/1999: BBB - Moved ZFindFilter from scenegraph package to util package to be consistent with other utility interfaces. * 07/02/1999: BBB - Changed ZNode.hidden bit to be called visible (with the opposite meaning) to be more similar to Swing. The new method names are setVisible(), getVisible(), and isVisible(). * 06/29/1999: JJM - ZImage converts absolute path of an image file name into a relative path name. NEW FEATURES ------------ * 07/27/1999: BBB - Added ZLoadable objects which can be dynamically loaded into Jazz, and be made aware of the basic scenegraph structure so that it can add itself to the application and do something useful. When a ZLoadable object is loaded into Jazz, all of its ZLoadable methods are guaranteed to be called which specify the primary menubar of the application, and the basic elements of the scenegraph (camera, surface, and top node). * 07/23/1999: BBB - Removed the jazz.external.jpeg package, and now instead use com.sun.images.codec.jpeg that is included with the JDK. If an application needs to write out jpeg images, it should use Sun's codec. * 07/20/1999: BBB - Reworked Jazz directory structure. Now, all source code sits in the src subdirectory, and there are subdirectories for demos, documentation, libraries (jar files), and testing code. The Jazz source code is still in the edu.umd.cs.jazz package, and no source code was changed as a result of this movement. However, HiNote is no longer part of the jazz package. * 07/19/1999: BBB - Added mechanism to control the timing of the animation in ZTransform.animate(). There are new versions of the animate method which take an extra jazz.util.ZLerp parameter. This parameter specifies a function that controls the animation. The original animate methods now pass in a slow-in, slow-out animation function, but an application can specify a different function (or null for a standard linear interpolation.) * 07/14/1999: BBB - Added new convenience functions to ZCamera to convert points and rectangles through the camera's view from screen to global coordinates and back again. See ZCamera.cameraToScene and ZCamera.sceneToCamera. * 07/14/1999: BBB - Added feature to jazz.event.ZoomEventHandlerRightButton and to ZNavEventHandlerKeyBoard to enable applications to set the min and max magnification that can be zoomed to with this event handler. See setMinMagnification() and setMaxMagnification() in each class. * 07/14/1999: BBB - Enabled application to directly turn off event handlers in ZBasicFrame and ZBasicApplet with deactivateEventHandlers(), and turn them back on again with activateEventHandlers(). * 07/12/1999: BBB - Added new jazz.component.ZPolygon class. It is as basic component for drawing polygons with a pen and/or fill color. Note that ZPolygon and ZPolyline now both subclass a new ZCoordList class to share common code, however, this should not introduce any incompatible changes to ZPolyline. * 07/07/1999: JJM - Added method selectGroup and selectNode to support grouping and ungrouping selected nodes in ZSelectionEventHandler. Grouping and ungrouping groups of groups works correctly: subgroups are preserved. * 07/02/1999: BBB - Added timing functions to ZText. setTimingTest(boolean) enables the timing test. long getRenderTime() returns the time in milliseconds of the last render of the ZText object. This allows users to compare rendering times of text under different render quality settings. * 07/02/1999: BBB - Added new event mechanism to Jazz. There are three new event types that let applications track when certain things change within the Jazz scenegraph. ZNodeEvent tracks when nodes state has changed (transform and visibility for now). ZNodeContainerEvent tracks when nodes have been added or removed from a node. And, ZAncestorEvent tracks when an ancestral node has been hidden or shown. See ZNode.addAncestorListener, ZNode.addNodeListener, and ZNode.addNodeContainerListener - and the related classes. * 06/29/1999: JJM - Added ZSurface.RENDER_QUALITY_MEDIUM, which turns on general anti-aliasing, but turns off text anti-aliasing, and sets rendering for speed, not quality. * 06/28/1999: JJM - Added setArrowHeadType(arrowHeadType) to ZPolyline. arrowHeadType can be ZPolyline.ARROW_OPEN or ZPolyline.ARROW_CLOSED to specify that arrow heads are drawn as open, or as a closed, filled triangle. BUG FIXES --------- * 07/15/1999: JJM - Fixed bug in ZText. One of the constructors did not parse multiline input text properly. * 07/08/1999: BBB - Fixed bug where ZPolyline.getXCoords and getYCoords would return an array that could be larger than the actual number of coordinates. * 06/29/1999: JJM - Fixed a problem in which ZTransform.position() failed to move objects when given a parent node with no visual component. Changed ZTransform.position() to use getGlobalbounds() instead of getCompBounds(). * 06/28/1999: JJM - When an arrow head is added to a ZPolyline, the line is now shortened a bit to the beginning of the arrowhead. This cleans up some ugliness around the arrowheads when they were zoomed. HINOTE ------ * 11/23/1999: JJM - Added "File" option to "Insert" Menu. Saved Jazz files can now be added to the current scenegraph. * 08/19/1999: JJM - Added color chooser tool to toolbar. * 08/06/1999: JJM - HiNoteApplet will load a .jazz file on startup. The name of the file is the value of the html parameter "startupfile". It is loaded from help.jar, unless another jar file is specified through the html parameter "starupJarFile". * 08/05/1999: JJM - HiNote builds the Help menu from entries in the help.jar file. * 07/26/1999: JJM - HiNote can now be run out of any directory, and properly find internal icons. * 07/23/1999: BBB/JJM - Changed HiNote directories to be like new jazz directory structure. * 06/15/1999: JJM - When saving a HiNote application to a .jazz file, HiNote converts ZImage filenames to be relative to the directory that the .jazz file is in. * 07/07/1999: JJM - Added Group and Ungroup to HiNote. * 07/01/1999: JJM - Added "render quality" radio buttons: High, Medium and Low to Edit menu in HiNote. Jazz-0.4 ChangeLog (Released 06/18/1999) ---------------------------------------- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES -------------------- * 06/15/1999: BBB/JJM - Replaced ZTextField and ZTextArea with a combined simpler ZText class. The new ZText does what the two previous classes did, and is a direct replacement. The primary difference is that it supports multi-line text. In addition, it has a different origin. ZText has the origin at the upper-left corner of the text. ZTextField has the origin at the lower-left corner. * 06/10/1999: BBB - Reworked ZCamera.findNodes() mechanism. It used to be that this was a specific mechanism to find those nodes that intersecte a given area. It is now a generalized mechanism to find those nodes that satisfy a filter criteria. There is a basic filter interface called scenegraph.ZFindFilter, and some specific instances that can be used by applications. Currently, there are util.ZFindFilterBounds and util.ZFindFilterMagBounds. The former finds all nodes that intersect the specified bounds. The latter find the nodes that intersect the specified bounds and who are visible within the specified magnification. As part of this change, I added a new "findable" bit to ZVisualComponent to complement "pickable". Now, pickable only applies to the pick function, and findable only applies to the find function. * 06/09/1999: BBB - Changed ZBasicComponent constructor to accomodate simplified repaint model (see below). Now there is just a default constructor that the caller must add to a container - in the traditional Java style. Note that there is now also another constructor that that takes a root and a node, and makes the component look onto an existing scenegraph. ZBasicFrame now also has a similar new constructor that allows it to look at an existing scenegraph. * 06/06/1999: BBB - Renamed ZCamera.getMag() to ZCamera.getMagnification() * 06/06/1999: BBB - Renamed ZBasicApplication to ZBasicFrame * 06/06/1999: BBB - Moved scenegraph.ZDebug to util.ZDebug * 06/06/1999: BBB - Reworked damage/restore a bit. I removed the damage methods that did a built-in restore: damage(boolean restoreNow) and damage(boolean restoreNow, ZSurface surface). More importantly, I simplified the way objects need to call damage. It used to be tha when objects changed their bounds, they had to go through a four step process (damage(), modify self, updateBounds(), damage()). Now, the new simplified method is to just use a two step process where the object modifies itself, and then calls damage(true). The new ZNode.damage(boolean boundsChanged) method should be called whenever an object has changed its internal data structure that will result in a bounds changed. Calling this will result in the original and new area of the object being damaged, plus the new bounds will be computed by a call to updateBounds(). * 05/29/1999: BBB - Removed inadequate thread-safe protection from Jazz. Now, Jazz is officially *not* thread-safe, and must be completely modified, accessed, and painted from a single thread (usually the event dispatch thread). This was done for the following reasons: - Swing is built this way, and most of their rational applies to Jazz. - It is easier to write and debug Jazz, and to extend it with new components. - It is easier to write applications, and to debug them. - Jazz applications can use Swing's utility functions (such as Timers, invokeLater, and invokeAndWait) to make it easier to use other threads to do slow tasks, but synchronize them with Jazz. - Jazz runs faster because there is no synchronization The primary disadvantage is that Jazz will not be directly speeded up when run on machines with multiple processors. Sun has written three articles on Swing and Threads that discuss threading issues, and will be valuable to the Jazz application developer: http://www.javasoft.com/products/jfc/tsc/archive/tech_topics_arch/threads/threads.html http://www.javasoft.com/products/jfc/tsc/archive/tech_topics_arch/swing_worker/swing_worker.html http://www.javasoft.com/products/jfc/tsc/tech_topics/threads3/threads3.html * 05/26/1999: BBB - Renamed ZVisualComponentDecorator.insert() to ZVisualComponentDecorator.insertAbove() to make it clear that the decorator is being inserted *above* the component parameter, and not below it. * 05/23/1999: BBB - Moved ZLink from scenegraph to component package, and renamed it to ZLinkDecorator. * 05/23/1999: BBB - Renamed ZSelection to ZSelectionDecorator BUG FIXES --------- * 06/12/1999: BBB - Fixed bug where strings with an embedded double quote character in the first position didn't get written out properly. * 06/10/1999: BBB - ZSurface.pick() now only picks items that are within their valid size range. That is, objects which are smaller than their minimum size, or larger than their maximum size are not picked. * 06/10/1999: BBB - Fixed ZSurface.printSurface() method so it now specifies that there is a single page to print so the dialog box shows that properly. * 06/09/1999: BBB - Fixed the nagging problems associated with the connection of Jazz to Swing components. This includes problems where Jazz wouldn't always render onto the entire window, where overlapping Swing components would get overwritten, where the fonts would sometimes alternate between high and low quality inconsistently, where Jazz mapped to Swing internal frames would be buggy, etc. The fixes are a result of a significant internal change where instead of caching the Swing Graphics object, Jazz now uses the standard Swing repaint/paint mechanism. This simplifies a lot of code, but has the cost of slightly slower repaints since the repainting now involves a transformation of the dirty region into window coordinates and back again, and also means going through the Swing painting code. However, this is the only solution that will work reliably that I could find. These changes are mostly backwards compatible, but they introduce a subtle but important change. The default ZSurface.restore() call no longer paints immediately - but instead queues a request on the Swing event queue to repaint. Swing is single threaded, and that request won't be serviced until after the event listener that triggered the restore call finishes. If you want to paint immediately (such as is necessary when painting within an animation loop), you must call restore(true). * 06/01/1999: BBB - Fixed ZCamera to no longer assume that surface is non-null. * 06/01/1999: BBB - Fixed ZTransform to lo longer assume that parent is non-null. * 05/25/1999: BBB - Fixed bug where nodes that were added to children of cameras aren't caught as being sticky, and so they didn't get set to volatile. The result is that sub-sticky objects didn't always get their bounds computed properly. NEW FEATURES ------------ * 06/13/1999: BBB - Added new util.ZBasicWindow class. It is similar to ZBasicFrame, but extends JWindow instead of JFrame. This provides the ability to create a Jazz window without any window dressing. ZBasicWindow defaults to filling up the entire screen to make it easy to go into full-screen mode. * 06/12/1999: BBB - Added "save" property to ZNode. If you set it to false, then that node (and its children) won't be saved. * 06/12/1999: BBB - Made ZImage optionally write out link to filename instead of embedded image. * 06/10/1999: BBB - Substantially improved HiNote - including adding features for fading, raising/lowering, hyperlinking, and accelerator keys. * 06/10/1999: BBB - Made it so when max mag of ZNode is set to the -1, that feature is disabled, i.e., it is never culled for being too large. * 06/10/1999: BBB - Added hyperlink event handler (jazz.event.ZLinkEventHandler) * 06/06/1999: BBB - Added fourth chapter to tutorial describing the basics of dynamic objects within Jazz. * 05/25/1999: BBB - Changed behavior of hidden nodes slightly. Now, they don't contribute to the bounds of their parents. Stated from the parent's viewpoint, a node's global bounds doesn't include their hidden children. * 05/23/1999: BBB - Added new constraint decorator class (component.ZConstraintDecorator) to make it easy to create simple constraints that affect where visual components appear based on some state. Used this class to create first example constraint - component.ZStickyZDecorator that allows its child to pan freely as the camera pans, but when the camera changes magnification, the child will remain at the same size. This can be useful for labels on objects that zoom where the labels shouldn't zoom. Constraint decorators can also be used to create objects that don't go off the screen, don't shrink below a certain size, or don't overlap certain objects. Jazz-0.3 ChangeLog (Released 05/15/1999) ---------------------------------------- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES -------------------- * 05/15/1999: BBB - Changed these method names in ZCamera: getCameraTransform() => getViewTransform() getInverseCameraTransform() => getInverseViewTransform() setCameraTransform() => setViewTransform() getCameraViewBounds() => getViewBounds() * 05/15/1999: BBB - Removed ZVisualComponent.appData slot. Instead, an application can make a decorator that points to the application if it needs this kind of pointer. It is too big a waste to have every visual component keep this pointer around for the few instances that will actually use it. * 05/10/1999: BBB - Changed package java.components to java.component to be consistent with the other package names * 05/09/1999: BBB - Replaced ZSerializable.isSavable() with a more general-purpose method - and also one that mimics java's Serializable. Now, there are optional writeReplace() and readResolve() methods that any ZSerializable classes can implement. If they do so, then they can replace themselves with another object on the write out, or read in. If they replace themselves with null, then they just don't get written out (or read in). In this case, any references to them will be replaced with null. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Renamed ZSerializable.ZWriteObject() to writeObject() and ZSerializable.ZWriteObjectRecurse() to writeObjectRecurse(). Also, ZWriteObjectRecurse now throws IOException. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Changed ZNode.paint so that the visual component gets painted before the children. This way, a group or camera can paint a background underneath the children. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Renamed ZDebug.dumpSubGraph() to ZDebug.dump() * 05/01/1999: BBB - Changed signature of ZDebug.setShowBounds(boolean) to ZDebug.setShowBounds(boolean, ZCamera) * 05/01/1999: BBB - Changed signature of ZVisualComponent.select() to ZVisualComponent.select(ZCamera). Changed signature of ZVisualComponent.setSelected(boolean) to ZVisualComponent.setSelected(boolean, ZCamera). Changed signature of ZNode.selectAll() to ZNode.selectAll(ZCamera) BUG FIXES --------- * 05/15/1999: BBB - Fixed bug where restoration could result in screen turds. The visible area was sometimes one pixel too small, despite it being computed accurately. This was because of rounding error and/or anti-aliasing. I fixed it by adding a single pixel to the visible area at paint time. * 05/15/1999: BBB - Fixed ZImage to work properly even if internal java.awt.image slot is null. * 05/15/1999: BBB - Fixed several components to not try to write out color if colors are null. * 05/13/1999: BDM - Fixed ZSerialization so that special characters in strings (such as double quotes) get properly escaped when written out and unescaped when read back in, so all standard characters can get written out safely. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Wrote out pickable, volatile, and appData (if ZSerializable) fields for ZVisualComponent when ZSerialized. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Fixed bug in ZCamera.setFillColor() where it wasn't damaging the camera - resulting in the camera not being redrawn upon a restore. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Fixed ZBasicComponent so that setBackground() changes the background color by changing the associated camera's bacground color. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Fixed the strange bugs related to rendering within components that change! This includes the bug where the bottom strip of the drawpad window wouldn't get updated properly. This also includes the bug where Jazz didn't work propery when attached to JInternalFrames in JDesktopPanes. This all works now. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Fixed volatility of components and nodes. Now, volatility gets properly passed up the tree, so if any component or node is volatile, then all of its parents are as well. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Fixed ZSelection class to implement constant-thickness rectangle properly. Now, scaling objects doesn't leave screen turds. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Fixed show bounds debugging where it would also leave screen turds. NEW FEATURES ------------ * 05/15/1999: BBB - Added new ZProperty class that replaces the old appData. Now, every ZNode can have an optional list of properties - which are just key/value pairs. Properties get saved with ZSerialization (if the property is ZSerializable). See ZNode.addProperty(), ZNode.getProperty(), etc. * 05/15/1999: BBB - Added some new constructors to ZPolyline, and methods to access points in polyline. * 05/15/1999: BBB - Added ZNode.isSticky() method. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Renamed DrawPad to HiNote, and complete reorganized the code to allow the same code to either run as an application, or as an applet - but each with different menubars. And, it works as an applet! * 05/09/1999: BBB - Created jazz.test package, and added first tester. TwoSurfaces test two surfaces looking onto a single surface. For now, you can just run the test with the command line ('java TwoSurfaces'), but we will build a GUI to help run the tests. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Reconsidered graphics state protocol. The Graphics2D has the following state that we care about: transform, clip, composite (transparency), color, stroke, font It used to be that paint methods were required to restore the entire state to how they started. Instead, now paint methods are not required to restore anything. Jazz now guarantees that the transform, clip, and composite will be set properly before any paint methods are called, but a visual component should make no assumptions about color and stroke, and thus should set those two every time they are used, and don't bother resetting it. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Used the new ZSerializable.writeResolve method so that ZSelection now doesn't get saved. It just skips over itself, writing out the next visual component in the chain. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Changed the default visual component pick() method to pick using the bounds of the component - rather than just returning false as it was before. This way, a sub-class doesn't have to override pick if it wants this basic behavior. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Added ZArea.add(Rectangle2D) method * 05/09/1999: BBB - Made the ZBasicApplication constructor take an option to either create a plain JFrame, or an internal frame within a desktop. * 05/09/1999: BBB - Updated doc/ToDo. From now on, this will be the clearing house of prioritizing bugs and feature requests. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Added missing ZTransform.scaleTo() methods. There are now four that match the scale() methods. You can now scale or scaleTo around an optional point, and with optional animation. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Added new static ZTransform.animate() method that animates an array of nodes simultaneously to an array of given transforms. See api docs on usage and example. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Added ZTransform.concatenate() and preConcatenate() methods. * 05/01/1999: BBB - Added new ZBasicApplication class that is a simple extendable application. It is intended to be used as the base for most applications using Jazz.